The more we practice and apply meditation into our daily lives, the more effortless it becomes. Meditation is scientifically proven as an effective way to reduce stress, promotes emotional health and brings about more balance to our lives.
australian school of meditation and yoga
Mind & Meditation
These simple meditation practices teaches us to slow down racing thoughts, let go of tension, and calm both your mind and body.
Friday night kirtan
Having “Me Time” | Gems of Spiritual Wisdom for Self-Care
We often hear the term “me time.” What does it mean? Who is that “me” we are referring too? And how can we really take time out to nourish body, mind and self?
We have so many responsibilities in life. Endless to-do lists. We can feel so heavy, like we have the weight of the world on our shoulders. We really need to take a time out to take care of ourselves. We need to make time to take care of the body and mind, but also us, the soul. This taking care of the self, this need for spiritual rest, can be overlooked, leaving us feeling that something is missing.
In this 10 minute spiritual wisdom session with Gayatri, learn how you can experience true rest and rejuvenation. Gain clear, practical insights into the nature of the soul and how you can achieve the lasting inner happiness we are all searching for.
Candlelight Kirtan Live from The Mantra Room
Kirtan – the song of the soul – is a deeply moving, joyful hearing and singing meditation. Let these spiritual sounds enter your ears, quiet the mind and bring peace to your heart.
Full Body Flow | Dynamic Yoga with Stefano
Get flowing, breathe and release in this full body dynamic flow with Stefano. Perfect for getting you motivated, inspired and energized first thing in the morning.