Join Ashraya for a beautiful Sunday evening Kirtan from Darwin. This was day 3 in an epic long weekend of kirtan, community and celebration in Darwin – our first trip back up there in over 2 years!
Enjoy uplifting yet soothing meditations, mantra, and fanstastic music. The night starts off mellow, then moving into more upbeat electric chants.
Then, an inspiring spiritual wisdom talk on how to successfully travel the path of life with world renowned Vedic wisdom teacher Radha Krishna das.
Meditation is the greatest gift that yoga has to offer. It transports a person beyond the cares, anxieties, and worries of the world, it gives a glimpse, a taste of the inner spiritual happiness we are all longing for. It gradually brings us back to our natural condition of being carefree, happy, contented, generous, tolerant and compassionate.