A simple morning practice exploring the power of sound and the ripple effects of regularly engaging our mind and senses in yoga Mantras.
morning meditation
Morning Practice Exploring the Power of Sound
A simple morning practice exploring the power of sound and the ripple effects of regularly engaging our mind and senses in yoga Mantras.
Sunrise Morning Meditation with Nityananda Das
Simple morning meditation practices to help us calm the mind and start the day with inner strength and peace.
Wisdom quote: “As a boat on the water is swept away by a strong wind, even one of the senses on which the mind focuses can carry away a man’s intelligence.” – Bagavad Gita As It Is , 2, 67
Mantras: Gauranga Haribol NitaiGaur NitaiGaur Haribol Gopala Govinda Rama Madana Mohana
Morning Meditation | Story of Goodness Finder
This is a simple morning meditation with some complete yoga breath work. We also shared a little story – “The Goodness Finder.” The ending line of the story is as follows – “Do I see the good and positive things in people or do I see their faults? Am I a fault finder or a goodness finder? The answer determines whether we will taste the sweetness of spiritual love.” . Check out the story at https://asmy.org.au/wisdom/the-goodness-finder/
Mantras: Gauranga Nityananda
15 Minutes Morning Meditation with Chantelle
15 Minute Morning Meditation with Chantelle
Start the day listening to beautiful bird sounds and sunrise infused with mantra meditation.
Soothing Morning Meditation | 20 Minute Guided Meditation & Music
The benefits of morning meditation are innumerable however personally for me it has helped me to set a tone of calm for the entire day. How often do we reach for the phone to turn off the alarm then next thing you know – it’s been 30 minutes on the phone checking the news, emails and our to do list.
However since putting morning meditation first, it has completely changed my life 🙂 Enjoy this session featuring guided mindfulness, breath awareness, mantra breathing meditation, and sacred kirtan.
What affect has meditation had on your life?