This video is Part 3 of our Introduction to Bhagavad Gita series with Gopala dasi. The sacred and epic ancient Bhagavad-Gita offers us a shining torchlight of knowledge to illuminate our path through life so that we may experience enlightenment and peace. We all need clarity to overcome challenges that come our way and the Bhagavad-Gita gives us answers to the biggest questions of all: Who am I? Why am I here? What is the true purpose of life? Where does deep inner happiness and peace lie? In this series we will be exploring the chapters step by step to enable you to gain the most benefit from this study. Please email us at if you have questions throughout this series. Thank-you for joining!
yoga wisdom
Introduction to Bhagavad Gita: Part Two | Gopala dasi
The sacred and epic ancient Bhagavad-Gita offers us a shining torchlight of knowledge to illuminate our path through life so that we may experience enlightenment and peace. We all need clarity to overcome challenges that come our way and the Bhagavad-Gita gives us answers to the biggest questions of all: Who am I? Why am I here? What is the true purpose of life? Where does deep inner happiness and peace lie? In this series we will be exploring the chapters step by step to enable you to gain the most benefit from this study. Please email us at if you have questions throughout this series. Thankyou for joining!
Introduction to Bhagavad Gita: Part One | Gopala dasi
The sacred and epic ancient Bhagavad-Gita offers us a shining torchlight of knowledge to illuminate our path through life so that we may experience enlightenment and peace. We all need clarity to overcome challenges that come our way and the Bhagavad-Gita gives us answers to the biggest questions of all: Who am I? Why am I here? What is the true purpose of life? Where does deep inner happiness and peace lie? In this series we will be exploring the chapters step by step to enable you to gain the most benefit from this study. Please email us at if you have questions throughout this series. Thankyou for joining!
Spiritual Qualities for a Peaceful & Happier Life
All of the yoga practices are designed to help a person to change there inner environment and experience a deeper happiness that isn’t temporary. We will share some of the qualities recommended in yoga literatures to help us to be more peaceful and happy. By cultivating those qualities we are able to live a life of greater contentment, have lasting harmonious relationships with our family and associates and find simplicity.
Building Resilience – Overcoming & Growing From Setbacks
Thomas Edison , who is known to most of us, once said ; “ l have not failed, but have found 10,000 ways that don’t work”. Do we have the resilience to overcome our failures , or do we let our challenges derail us on the path to our goals. What could we accomplish if we had the strength not to give up. Some modern definitions of resilience are, 1) – The capacity to recover quickly from difficulties, misfortune and change. 2) – The ability to adjust to adversity, depression, illness failure and the like. Resilience is an important quality to cultivate as many people are wanting to bounce back from the difficulties they are facing. The first step is understanding that all things will pass. Everything that exists in the material realm is of a temporary nature, and is prone to giving us difficulty. This includes our bodies, minds, other living entities and climatic conditions.
Wisdom from the Couch : Happiness in Service to Others
There’s an old Chinese saying proverb: “If you want happiness for an hour, take a nap. If you want happiness for a day, go fishing. If you want happiness for a year, inherit a fortune. If you want happiness for a lifetime, help someone else” Happiness, peacefulness and emotional fulfilment are within our grasp but we need to know where and what to reach for. The overwhelming message of the world we live in is that all these personal qualities and more can be reached through the one-eyed pursuit of fame, fortune and beauty. However, the persistent finding in a growing body of contemporary research, which in fact exactly mirrors the ancient wisdom of the Yoga movement, is that the pursuit of these mundane goals doesn’t actually lead to happiness but rather, the opposite is likely and suggests that altruism — a selfless concern for others and for the community — may pay off in a way that fame and fortune etc won’t and can’t. It seems that the more we turn our focus from our individual self interests and widen our concerns to embrace the welfare of others and society as a whole the better off we and those around us will be! Join Nityananda Das and Jayadharma das in very casual, unscripted yet thought provoking discussion exploring the idea of where to find Happiness. They will be discussing this subject from a spiritual perspective and also referring to the teaching of ancient yoga texts such as the Bhagavad Gita and saintly teachers. Jayadharma das and Nityananda das has been a long time practitioner of kirtan meditation and bhakti yoga for over 20 years having learned this science from the renowned Yoga Master Jagad Guru Siddhaswarupananda.