Here is simple guided meditation practice you can do everyday. Here is beautiful description on power of Mantra from my spiritual teacher. “Mantra” means transcendental sound vibration, sound which transcends the material world. It does not originate in the material world; it originates in the Spiritual World and descends to the material platform without losing any spiritual potency. A mantra is not something that anyone can make up, but rather must be received through the spiritual master who has received it from his spiritual master who received it from his spiritual master, and so on. It is transmitted from spiritual master to disciple since time immemorial. There is no historical beginning; rather, the disciplic line begins with the Supreme Soul Himself. A mantra is the descent of the Supreme in the form of sound vibration, making it possible for us to receive Him. Hearing and repeating such sound vibration has the gradual effect of cleansing the heart and mind so that a person experiences his real identity more and more each day.
Mantra Meditation on Beads (Japa ) – A Daily Spiritual Vitamin
Namaste everybody, it was beautiful day and Mount Glorious so i thought i will record the meditation session here. Hopefully the sound the waterfall is not distracting. Here is a simple and a personal practice of Mantra Meditation known as Japa meditation (Beads Meditation), using a string of beads called japa mala. This meditation technique uses 3 of the 5 senses to help bring the mind into focus upon the transcendental sound; the tongue in vibrating the mantra, the ear in hearing the sacred sound, and the sense of touch while touching each bead in the sting of beads while chanting. Just as we take in vitamins for better health, immunity, energy , active brain etc., this Japa practice is that spiritual vitamin which gives you inner strength, focus, resilience, calm mind and so much more! Mantra: Jaya Gurudev Gopala Govinda Rama Madana Mohana I am hoping you have your eyes closed while doing japa, if not then i am putting the visuals of the rain forest while doing japa which is better than seeing me on the screen 🙂 Hope it was helpful.
Mantra Meditation in Nature
A mantra is not just a sound of any kind. A mantra means that sound which draws the mind away from the temporary material dimension with all of it’s problems, hassles, anxieties, concerns and puts it onto the eternal. Get away from the everyday grind and be transported to the beautiful Australian rainforest Mt Glorious, as Chantelle guides you through the mantra meditation practice that will balance your mind, uplift your heart and leave a smile on your face. Subscribe to our channel for more classes premiering daily!
Easy Meditation with Kid and for Kids
Here is a short Gauranga breathing and meditation session which you can invite your kids, grand kids, family to participate with! I had fun doing this session with Radhe, hopefully it lightens up your day too! 00:00:35 – Mindful Breathing 00:02:30 – Gauranga Breathing 00:05:40 – Happy Kirtan with Kids Mantras: Gau-ra-ang-ga Aum Hari Aum
The Silent Witness Meditation – Spiritual Affirmation to Start the Day
The Silent Witness Meditation helps us appreciate one of the fundamental & foundational understanding in the path of Yoga & spirituality. This is a perfect yogic or spiritual affirmation to start the day that helps us remember our true eternal nature. The timeless Mantra Aham Brahmasmi means, I am not the body, I am not the mind, I am the eternal spirit soul, spark of the Supreme Soul. I am only temporarily in a material body, the body is temporary, but I am eternal. Silent witness meditation, helps us to come to the realisation that we are not the mind. Mantra with Breath: Aum Hari Aum I hope it was helpful. Namaste, Amit
Meditation & Mindfulness for Managing Stress
We all have experienced stress in our lives. Sometimes its manageable, sometimes its overwhelming and constant and can have lot of negative impact on our health, our wellbeing and on our relationship with people close to us. So i thought i will share some Mindfulness, Meditation & Wellbeing Practices that i have gained strength from to manage stress levels and keep it bit under control 🙂 Hope it is helpful.